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Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone participate in TestArea Monthly Quiz?

TestArea Winner Verification

Fatherprada accepts any of the following forms of verification:

A selfie with your Birth Certificate
A selfie with government-issued ID or any official document that verifies the winner’s date of birth


A verification email will be sent to winners

Does Fatherprada reward N5000 for winning?

What PIN code?

What is the meaning of earning on hold?

Where to Find Your E-purse?

What is E-Purse Earning?

How to Withdraw

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. If you want to withdraw only from your E-purse, click on E-purse.
  3. If you want to withdraw all your earnings, including referral earnings, locate and click on Main Withdrawal.
  4. Alternatively, use the quick view shortcut in the App area

How do I refer someone?

What happens after my PIN code expires?

How do I get my PIN code?

I’ve been paid but I’m still seeing “We are processing your payment”

If my PIN code expires, will I still get paid?

If my PIN code expires, Can I still refer someone?

Selected gateway details are incomplete

I Don’t Want to Invite Others but I Want to Withdraw My Earnings

How to Play Tic Tac Toe/Connect 4/Magic Square?

Fatherprada as opponent

I need further guidance